多页打印视图 点击此处打印.




Pigsty采用声明式接口,配置完成之后只需运行固定的 剧本(Playbook),即可完成部署



  • 沙箱部署: 针对本地沙箱环境,Pigsty提供采用交织式部署的快速初始化剧本: sandbox.yml




1 - 基础设施初始化



基础设施初始化通过 infra.yml 完成。该剧本会在元节点 上完成基础设施的安装与部署。

infra.yml 将元节点(默认分组名为meta)作为部署目标。




infra.yml 固定会作用于配置文件中 名为 meta 的分组







./infra.yml --tags=repo

具体的标签请参考 任务详情


./infra.yml --tags=repo -e repo_rebuild=true            # 强制重新创建本地源
./infra.yml --tags=prometheus_reload                    # 重新加载Prometheus配置
./infra.yml --tags=nginx_haproxy                        # 重新生成Nginx Haproxy索引页
./infra.yml --tags=prometheus_targets,prometheus_reload # 重新生成Prometheus静态监控对象文件并应用


infra.yml 主要完成以下工作

  • 部署并启用本地源
  • 完成元节点的初始化
  • 完成元节点基础设施初始化
    • CA基础设施
    • DNS Nameserver
    • Nginx
    • Prometheus & Alertmanger
    • Grafana
  • 将Pigsty本体拷贝至元节点
  • 在元节点上完成数据库初始化(可选,用户可以通过标准的数据库集群初始化流程复用元节点)


#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   infra.yml
# Ctime     :   2020-04-13
# Mtime     :   2020-07-23
# Desc      :   init infrastructure on meta nodes
# Path      :   infra.yml
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# init local yum repo (only run on meta nodes)
- name: Init local repo
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  gather_facts: no
  tags: repo
    - repo

# provision nodes
- name: Provision Node
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  gather_facts: no
  tags: node
    - node

# init meta service (only run on meta nodes)
- name: Init meta service
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  gather_facts: no
  tags: meta
    - role: ca
      tags: ca

    - role: nameserver
      tags: nameserver

    - role: nginx
      tags: nginx

    - role: prometheus
      tags: prometheus

    - role: grafana
      tags: grafana

# init dcs on nodes
- name: Init dcs
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  gather_facts: no
    - role: consul
      tags: dcs

# copy scripts to meta node
- name: Copy ansible scripts
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  gather_facts: no
  ignore_errors: yes
  tags: ansible
    - name: Copy ansible scritps
      when: node_admin_setup is defined and node_admin_setup|bool and node_admin_username != ''
        # create copy of this repo
        - name: Create ansible tarball
          become: no
          connection: local
          run_once: true
            cmd: tar -cf files/meta.tgz roles templates ansible.cfg infra.yml pgsql.yml pgsql-remove.yml pgsql-createdb.yml pgsql-createuser.yml pgsql-service.yml pgsql-monitor.yml pigsty.yml Makefile
            chdir: "{{ playbook_dir }}"

        - name: Create ansible directory
          file: path="/home/{{ node_admin_username }}/meta" state=directory owner={{ node_admin_username }}

        - name: Copy ansible tarball
          copy: src="meta.tgz" dest="/home/{{ node_admin_username }}/meta/meta.tgz" owner={{ node_admin_username }}

        - name: Extract tarball
          shell: |
            cd /home/{{ node_admin_username }}/meta/
            tar -xf meta.tgz
            chown -R {{ node_admin_username }} /home/{{ node_admin_username }}
            rm -rf meta.tgz
            chmod a+x *.yml            

# meta node database (optional)
# this play will create database clusters on meta nodes.
# it's good to reuse meta node as normal database nodes too
# but it's always better to leave it be.
#- name: Pgsql Initialization
#  become: yes
#  hosts: meta
#  gather_facts: no
#  roles:
#    - role: postgres                        # init postgres
#      tags: [pgsql, postgres]
#    - role: monitor                         # init monitor system
#      tags: [pgsql, monitor]
#    - role: service                         # init haproxy
#      tags: [service]




./infra.yml --list-tasks


playbook: ./infra.yml

  play #1 (meta): Init local repo	TAGS: [repo]
      repo : Create local repo directory	TAGS: [repo, repo_dir]
      repo : Backup & remove existing repos	TAGS: [repo, repo_upstream]
      repo : Add required upstream repos	TAGS: [repo, repo_upstream]
      repo : Check repo pkgs cache exists	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Set fact whether repo_exists	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Move upstream repo to backup	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Add local file system repos	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Remake yum cache if not exists	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Install repo bootstrap packages	TAGS: [repo, repo_boot]
      repo : Render repo nginx server files	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Disable selinux for repo server	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Launch repo nginx server	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Waits repo server online	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Download web url packages	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Download repo packages	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Download repo pkg deps	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Create local repo index	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Copy bootstrap scripts	TAGS: [repo, repo_download, repo_script]
      repo : Mark repo cache as valid	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]

  play #2 (meta): Provision Node	TAGS: [node]
      node : Update node hostname	TAGS: [node, node_name]
      node : Add new hostname to /etc/hosts	TAGS: [node, node_name]
      node : Write static dns records	TAGS: [node, node_dns]
      node : Get old nameservers	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Truncate resolv file	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Write resolv options	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Add new nameservers	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Append old nameservers	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [node, node_firewall]
      node : Node disable selinux by default	TAGS: [node, node_firewall]
      node : Backup existing repos	TAGS: [node, node_repo]
      node : Install upstream repo	TAGS: [node, node_repo]
      node : Install local repo	TAGS: [node, node_repo]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Node configure disable numa	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable swap	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure unmount swap	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node setup static network	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disk prefetch	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Enable linux kernel modules	TAGS: [node, node_kernel]
      node : Enable kernel module on reboot	TAGS: [node, node_kernel]
      node : Get config parameter page count	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Get config parameter page size	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Tune shmmax and shmall via mem	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Create tuned profiles	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Render tuned profiles	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Active tuned profile	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Change additional sysctl params	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Copy default user bash profile	TAGS: [node, node_profile]
      node : Setup node default pam ulimits	TAGS: [node, node_ulimit]
      node : Create os user group admin	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Create os user admin	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Grant admin group nopass sudo	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Add no host checking to ssh config	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Add admin ssh no host checking	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Fetch all admin public keys	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Exchange all admin ssh keys	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Install public keys	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Install ntp package	TAGS: [node, ntp_install]
      node : Install chrony package	TAGS: [node, ntp_install]
      node : Setup default node timezone	TAGS: [node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the ntp.conf file	TAGS: [node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the chrony.conf template	TAGS: [node, ntp_config]
      node : Launch ntpd service	TAGS: [node, ntp_launch]
      node : Launch chronyd service	TAGS: [node, ntp_launch]

  play #3 (meta): Init meta service	TAGS: [meta]
      ca : Create local ca directory	TAGS: [ca, ca_dir, meta]
      ca : Copy ca cert from local files	TAGS: [ca, ca_copy, meta]
      ca : Check ca key cert exists	TAGS: [ca, ca_create, meta]
      ca : Create self-signed CA key-cert	TAGS: [ca, ca_create, meta]
      nameserver : Make sure dnsmasq package installed	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Copy dnsmasq /etc/dnsmasq.d/config	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Add dynamic dns records to meta	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Launch meta dnsmasq service	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Wait for meta dnsmasq online	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Register consul dnsmasq service	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Reload consul	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nginx : Make sure nginx installed	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_install]
      nginx : Create local html directory	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_content]
      nginx : Create nginx config directory	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_content]
      nginx : Update default nginx index page	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_content]
      nginx : Copy nginx default config	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_config]
      nginx : Copy nginx upstream conf	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_config]
      nginx : Templating /etc/nginx/haproxy.conf	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Render haproxy upstream in cluster mode	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Render haproxy location in cluster mode	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Templating haproxy cluster index	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Templating haproxy cluster index	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Restart meta nginx service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_restart]
      nginx : Wait for nginx service online	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_restart]
      nginx : Make sure nginx exporter installed	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Config nginx_exporter options	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Restart nginx_exporter service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Wait for nginx exporter online	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Register cosnul nginx service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_register]
      nginx : Register consul nginx-exporter service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_register]
      nginx : Reload consul	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_register]
      prometheus : Install prometheus and alertmanager	TAGS: [meta, prometheus]
      prometheus : Wipe out prometheus config dir	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_clean]
      prometheus : Wipe out existing prometheus data	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_clean]
      prometheus : Create postgres directory structure	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Copy prometheus bin scripts	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Copy prometheus rules scripts	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Copy altermanager config	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Render prometheus config	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Config /etc/prometheus opts	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Launch prometheus service	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Launch alertmanager service	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Wait for prometheus online	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Wait for alertmanager online	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Render prometheus targets in cluster mode	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_targets]
      prometheus : Reload prometheus service	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_reload]
      prometheus : Copy prometheus service definition	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_register]
      prometheus : Copy alertmanager service definition	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_register]
      prometheus : Reload consul to register prometheus	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_register]
      grafana : Make sure grafana is installed	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_install, meta]
      grafana : Check grafana plugin cache exists	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Provision grafana plugins via cache	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Download grafana plugins from web	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Download grafana plugins from web	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Create grafana plugins cache	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Copy /etc/grafana/grafana.ini	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Remove grafana provision dir	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Copy provisioning content	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Copy pigsty dashboards	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Copy pigsty icon image	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Replace grafana icon with pigsty	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, grafana_customize, meta]
      grafana : Launch grafana service	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_launch, meta]
      grafana : Wait for grafana online	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_launch, meta]
      grafana : Update grafana default preferences	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_provision, meta]
      grafana : Register consul grafana service	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_register, meta]
      grafana : Reload consul	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_register, meta]

  play #4 (meta): Init dcs	TAGS: []
      consul : Check for existing consul	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs]
      consul : Consul exists flag fact set	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs]
      consul : Abort due to consul exists	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs]
      consul : Clean existing consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Stop any running consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Remove existing consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Recreate consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Make sure consul is installed	TAGS: [consul_install, dcs]
      consul : Make sure consul dir exists	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs server node names	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Fetch hostname as dcs node name	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs name from hostname	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Copy /etc/consul.d/consul.json	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Copy consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs bootstrap expect quroum	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Copy consul server service unit	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Launch consul server service	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Wait for consul server online	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Launch consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs]
      consul : Wait for consul agent online	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs]

  play #5 (meta): Copy ansible scripts	TAGS: [ansible]
      Create ansible tarball	TAGS: [ansible]
      Create ansible directory	TAGS: [ansible]
      Copy ansible tarball	TAGS: [ansible]
      Extract tarball	TAGS: [ansible]

2 - 数据库集群初始化



完成了基础设施初始化后,用户可以 pgsql.yml 完成数据库集群的初始化

首先在 Pigsty配置文件 中完成数据库集群的定义,然后通过执行pgsql.yml将变更应用至实际环境中。

./pgsql.yml                      # 在所有清单中的机器上执行数据库集群初始化操作(危险!)
./pgsql.yml -l pg-test           # 在 pg-test 分组下的机器执行数据库集群初始化(推荐!)
./pgsql.yml -l pg-meta,pg-test   # 同时初始化pg-meta与pg-test两个集群
./pgsql.yml -l       # 初始化10.10.10.11这台机器上的数据库实例


  • 使用不带参数的pgsql.yml虽然很方便,但在生产环境中是一个高危操作


  • 用户可以将元节点当成普通节点复用,即在元节点上定义并创建PostgreSQL数据库。


  • 单独针对集群从库执行初始化时,用户必须自行确保主库必须已经完成初始化,主库与其从库同时进行初始化则无此要求。



  • abort:建议设置为默认配置,如遇现存实例,中止剧本执行,避免误删库。
  • clean:建议在本地沙箱环境使用,如遇现存实例,清除已有数据库。
  • skip: 直接在已有数据库集群上执行后续逻辑。
  • 您可以通过./pgsql.yml -e pg_exists_action=clean的方式来覆盖配置文件选项,强制抹掉现有实例


``dcs_exists_actiondcs_disable_purge`与上述两个选项效果一致,但针对DCS(Consul Agent)实例。




./pgsql.yml --tags=service


./pgsql.yml --tags=infra        # 完成基础设施的初始化,包括机器节点初始化与DCS部署
./pgsql.yml --tags=node         # 完成机器节点的初始化
./pgsql.yml --tags=dcs          # 完成DCS:consul/etcd的初始化
./pgsql.yml --tags=dcs -e dcs_exists_action # 完成consul/etcd的初始化,抹除已有的consul agent

./pgsql.yml --tags=pgsql        # 完成数据库与监控的部署
./pgsql.yml --tags=postgres     # 完成数据库部署
./pgsql.yml --tags=monitor      # 完成监控的部署

./pgsql.yml --tags=service       # 完成负载均衡的部署,包括Haproxy与VIP
./pgsql.yml --tags=haproxy_config,haproxy_reload  # 修改Haproxy配置并应用。


pgsql.yml 主要完成以下工作:

  • 初始化数据库节点基础设施(node
  • 初始化DCS Agent(如果为元节点,则为DCS Server)服务(consul)。
  • 安装、部署、初始化PostgreSQL, Pgbouncer, Patroni(postgres
  • 安装PostgreSQL监控系统(monitor
  • 安装部署Haproxy与VIP,对外暴露服务(service


#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   pgsql.yml
# Mtime     :   2020-05-12
# Mtime     :   2021-03-15
# Desc      :   initialize pigsty cluster
# Path      :   pgsql.yml
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# init node and database
- name: Pgsql Initialization
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

    - role: node                            # init node
      tags: [infra, node]

    - role: consul                          # init consul
      tags: [infra, dcs]

    - role: postgres                        # init postgres
      tags: [pgsql, postgres]

    - role: monitor                         # init monitor system
      tags: [pgsql, monitor]

    - role: service                         # init service
      tags: [service]




./pgsql.yml --list-tasks


playbook: ./pgsql.yml

  play #1 (all): Pgsql Initialization	TAGS: []
      node : Update node hostname	TAGS: [infra, node, node_name]
      node : Add new hostname to /etc/hosts	TAGS: [infra, node, node_name]
      node : Write static dns records	TAGS: [infra, node, node_dns]
      node : Get old nameservers	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Truncate resolv file	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Write resolv options	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Add new nameservers	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Append old nameservers	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [infra, node, node_firewall]
      node : Node disable selinux by default	TAGS: [infra, node, node_firewall]
      node : Backup existing repos	TAGS: [infra, node, node_repo]
      node : Install upstream repo	TAGS: [infra, node, node_repo]
      node : Install local repo	TAGS: [infra, node, node_repo]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Node configure disable numa	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable swap	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure unmount swap	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node setup static network	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disk prefetch	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Enable linux kernel modules	TAGS: [infra, node, node_kernel]
      node : Enable kernel module on reboot	TAGS: [infra, node, node_kernel]
      node : Get config parameter page count	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Get config parameter page size	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Tune shmmax and shmall via mem	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Create tuned profiles	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Render tuned profiles	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Active tuned profile	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Change additional sysctl params	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Copy default user bash profile	TAGS: [infra, node, node_profile]
      node : Setup node default pam ulimits	TAGS: [infra, node, node_ulimit]
      node : Create os user group admin	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Create os user admin	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Grant admin group nopass sudo	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Add no host checking to ssh config	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Add admin ssh no host checking	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Fetch all admin public keys	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Exchange all admin ssh keys	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Install public keys	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Install ntp package	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_install]
      node : Install chrony package	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_install]
      node : Setup default node timezone	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the ntp.conf file	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the chrony.conf template	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_config]
      node : Launch ntpd service	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_launch]
      node : Launch chronyd service	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_launch]
      consul : Check for existing consul	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs, infra]
      consul : Consul exists flag fact set	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs, infra]
      consul : Abort due to consul exists	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs, infra]
      consul : Clean existing consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Stop any running consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Remove existing consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Recreate consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Make sure consul is installed	TAGS: [consul_install, dcs, infra]
      consul : Make sure consul dir exists	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs server node names	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Fetch hostname as dcs node name	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs name from hostname	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Copy /etc/consul.d/consul.json	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Copy consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs bootstrap expect quroum	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Copy consul server service unit	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Launch consul server service	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Wait for consul server online	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Launch consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs, infra]
      consul : Wait for consul agent online	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs, infra]
      postgres : Create os group postgres	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Make sure dcs group exists	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Create dbsu {{ pg_dbsu }}	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu nopass sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu all sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu limited sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add dbsu ssh no host checking	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Fetch dbsu public keys	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Exchange dbsu ssh keys	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Install offical pgdg yum repo	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Install pg packages	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Install pg extensions	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Link /usr/pgsql to current version	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add pg bin dir to profile path	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Fix directory ownership	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Remove default postgres service	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check necessary variables exists	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Fetch variables via pg_cluster	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Set cluster basic facts for hosts	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Assert cluster primary singleton	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup cluster primary ip address	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup repl upstream for primary	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup repl upstream for replicas	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Debug print instance summary	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Check for existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Set fact whether pg port is open	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Abort due to existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Clean existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Shutdown existing postgres service	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove registerd consul service	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove postgres metadata in consul	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove existing postgres data	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Make sure main and backup dir exists	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create postgres directory structure	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create pgbouncer directory structure	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create links from pgbkup to pgroot	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create links from current cluster	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_cluster to /pg/meta/cluster	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_version to /pg/meta/version	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_instance to /pg/meta/instance	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_seq to /pg/meta/sequence	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_role to /pg/meta/role	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy postgres scripts to /pg/bin/	TAGS: [pg_scripts, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy alias profile to /etc/profile.d	TAGS: [pg_scripts, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy psqlrc to postgres home	TAGS: [pg_scripts, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Setup hostname to pg instance name	TAGS: [pg_hostname, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy consul node-meta definition	TAGS: [pg_nodemeta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Restart consul to load new node-meta	TAGS: [pg_nodemeta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [pg_watchdog, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Get config parameter page count	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Get config parameter page size	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Tune shared buffer and work mem	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Hanlde small size mem occasion	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Calculate postgres mem params	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : create patroni config dir	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : use predefined patroni template	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render default /pg/conf/patroni.yml	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Link /pg/conf/patroni to /pg/bin/	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Link /pg/bin/patroni.yml to /etc/patroni/	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy patroni systemd service file	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : create patroni systemd drop-in dir	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy postgres systemd service file	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Drop-In consul dependency for patroni	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render default initdb scripts	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch patroni on primary instance	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for patroni primary online	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres primary online	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check primary postgres service ready	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check replication connectivity to primary	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render init roles sql	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_role, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render init template sql	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_tmpl, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render default pg-init scripts	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_main, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Execute initialization scripts	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_exec, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check primary instance ready	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_exec, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add dbsu password to pgpass if exists	TAGS: [pg_pass, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add system user to pgpass	TAGS: [pg_pass, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check replication connectivity to primary	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch patroni on replica instances	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for patroni replica online	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres replica online	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check replica postgres service ready	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render hba rules	TAGS: [pg_hba, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Reload hba rules	TAGS: [pg_hba, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Pause patroni	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Stop patroni on replica instance	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Stop patroni on primary instance	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch raw postgres on primary	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch raw postgres on primary	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres online	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check pgbouncer is installed	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_check, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Stop existing pgbouncer service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Remove existing pgbouncer dirs	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Recreate dirs with owner postgres	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgbouncer_ini, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy /etc/pgbouncer/pgb_hba.conf	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgbouncer_hba, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Touch userlist and database list	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add default users to pgbouncer	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy pgbouncer systemd service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch pgbouncer pool service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for pgbouncer service online	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check pgbouncer service is ready	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [pg_user, pgsql, postgres]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [pg_db, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Reload pgbouncer to add db and users	TAGS: [pgbouncer_reload, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy pg service definition to consul	TAGS: [pg_register, pgsql, postgres, register]
      postgres : Reload postgres consul service	TAGS: [pg_register, pgsql, postgres, register]
      postgres : Render grafana datasource definition	TAGS: [pg_grafana, pgsql, postgres, register]
      postgres : Register datasource to grafana	TAGS: [pg_grafana, pgsql, postgres, register]
      monitor : Install exporter yum repo	TAGS: [exporter_install, exporter_yum_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Install node_exporter and pg_exporter	TAGS: [exporter_install, exporter_yum_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter binary	TAGS: [exporter_binary_install, exporter_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy pg_exporter binary	TAGS: [exporter_binary_install, exporter_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Create /etc/pg_exporter conf dir	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy default pg_exporter.yaml	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config /etc/default/pg_exporter	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config pg_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Launch pg_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Wait for pg_exporter service online	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Register pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Reload pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter opts	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Launch pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Wait for pgbouncer_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Register pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Reload pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config default node_exporter options	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Launch node_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Wait for node_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Register node-exporter service to consul	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Reload node-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      service : Make sure haproxy is installed	TAGS: [haproxy_install, service]
      service : Create haproxy directory	TAGS: [haproxy_install, service]
      service : Copy haproxy systemd service file	TAGS: [haproxy_install, haproxy_unit, service]
      service : Fetch postgres cluster memberships	TAGS: [haproxy_config, service]
      service : Templating /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg	TAGS: [haproxy_config, service]
      service : Launch haproxy load balancer service	TAGS: [haproxy_launch, haproxy_restart, service]
      service : Wait for haproxy load balancer online	TAGS: [haproxy_launch, service]
      service : Reload haproxy load balancer service	TAGS: [haproxy_reload, service]
      service : Copy haproxy exporter definition	TAGS: [haproxy_register, service]
      service : Copy haproxy service definition	TAGS: [haproxy_register, service]
      service : Reload haproxy consul service	TAGS: [haproxy_register, service]
      service : Make sure vip-manager is installed	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : Copy vip-manager systemd service file	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : create vip-manager systemd drop-in dir	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : create vip-manager systemd drop-in file	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : Templating /etc/default/vip-manager.yml	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_config, vip_manager_config]
      service : Launch vip-manager	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_reload]
      service : Fetch postgres cluster memberships	TAGS: [service, vip_l4_config]
      service : Render L4 VIP configs	TAGS: [service, vip_l4_config]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [service, vip_l4_reload]

3 - 沙箱初始化





用户可以直接调用sandbox.yml或通过make init的快捷方式完成沙箱环境的一键初始化。



沙箱初始化的具体注意事项与 基础设施部署PG集群部署 一致。



# init local yum repo on meta node
- name: Init local repo
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  gather_facts: no
  tags: repo
    - repo
# provision all nodes
# node provision depends on existing repo on meta node
- name: Provision Node
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: node
    - node
# init meta service on meta node
# meta provision depends on node provision. You'll have to provision node on meta node
# then provision meta infrastructure on meta node
- name: Init meta service
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  gather_facts: no
  tags: meta
    - role: ca
      tags: ca
    - role: nameserver
      tags: nameserver
    - role: nginx
      tags: nginx
    - role: prometheus
      tags: prometheus
    - role: grafana
      tags: grafana
# init dcs on nodes
# typically you'll have to bootstrap dcs on meta node first (or use external dcs)
# but pigsty allows you to setup server and agent at the same time.
- name: Init dcs
  become: yes
  hosts: all            # provision all nodes or just meta nodes
  gather_facts: no
    - role: consul
      tags: dcs
# create or recreate postgres database clusters
- name: Init database cluster
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: false

    - role: postgres                        # init postgres
      tags: postgres

    - role: monitor                         # init monitor system
      tags: monitor

    - role: haproxy                         # init haproxy
      tags: haproxy

    - role: vip                             # init vip-manager
      tags: vip



./sandbox.yml --list-tasks


playbook: ./sandbox.yml

  play #1 (meta): Init local repo	TAGS: [repo]
      repo : Create local repo directory	TAGS: [repo, repo_dir]
      repo : Backup & remove existing repos	TAGS: [repo, repo_upstream]
      repo : Add required upstream repos	TAGS: [repo, repo_upstream]
      repo : Check repo pkgs cache exists	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Set fact whether repo_exists	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Move upstream repo to backup	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Add local file system repos	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Remake yum cache if not exists	TAGS: [repo, repo_prepare]
      repo : Install repo bootstrap packages	TAGS: [repo, repo_boot]
      repo : Render repo nginx server files	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Disable selinux for repo server	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Launch repo nginx server	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Waits repo server online	TAGS: [repo, repo_nginx]
      repo : Download web url packages	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Download repo packages	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Download repo pkg deps	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Create local repo index	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]
      repo : Copy bootstrap scripts	TAGS: [repo, repo_download, repo_script]
      repo : Mark repo cache as valid	TAGS: [repo, repo_download]

  play #2 (all): Provision Node	TAGS: [node]
      node : Update node hostname	TAGS: [node, node_name]
      node : Add new hostname to /etc/hosts	TAGS: [node, node_name]
      node : Write static dns records	TAGS: [node, node_dns]
      node : Get old nameservers	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Truncate resolv file	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Write resolv options	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Add new nameservers	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Append old nameservers	TAGS: [node, node_resolv]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [node, node_firewall]
      node : Node disable selinux by default	TAGS: [node, node_firewall]
      node : Backup existing repos	TAGS: [node, node_repo]
      node : Install upstream repo	TAGS: [node, node_repo]
      node : Install local repo	TAGS: [node, node_repo]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [node, node_pkgs]
      node : Node configure disable numa	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable swap	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure unmount swap	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node setup static network	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disk prefetch	TAGS: [node, node_feature]
      node : Enable linux kernel modules	TAGS: [node, node_kernel]
      node : Enable kernel module on reboot	TAGS: [node, node_kernel]
      node : Get config parameter page count	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Get config parameter page size	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Tune shmmax and shmall via mem	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Create tuned profiles	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Render tuned profiles	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Active tuned profile	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Change additional sysctl params	TAGS: [node, node_tuned]
      node : Copy default user bash profile	TAGS: [node, node_profile]
      node : Setup node default pam ulimits	TAGS: [node, node_ulimit]
      node : Create os user group admin	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Create os user admin	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Grant admin group nopass sudo	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Add no host checking to ssh config	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Add admin ssh no host checking	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Fetch all admin public keys	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Exchange all admin ssh keys	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Install public keys	TAGS: [node, node_admin]
      node : Install ntp package	TAGS: [node, ntp_install]
      node : Install chrony package	TAGS: [node, ntp_install]
      node : Setup default node timezone	TAGS: [node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the ntp.conf file	TAGS: [node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the chrony.conf template	TAGS: [node, ntp_config]
      node : Launch ntpd service	TAGS: [node, ntp_launch]
      node : Launch chronyd service	TAGS: [node, ntp_launch]

  play #3 (meta): Init meta service	TAGS: [meta]
      ca : Create local ca directory	TAGS: [ca, ca_dir, meta]
      ca : Copy ca cert from local files	TAGS: [ca, ca_copy, meta]
      ca : Check ca key cert exists	TAGS: [ca, ca_create, meta]
      ca : Create self-signed CA key-cert	TAGS: [ca, ca_create, meta]
      nameserver : Make sure dnsmasq package installed	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Copy dnsmasq /etc/dnsmasq.d/config	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Add dynamic dns records to meta	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Launch meta dnsmasq service	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Wait for meta dnsmasq online	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Register consul dnsmasq service	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nameserver : Reload consul	TAGS: [meta, nameserver]
      nginx : Make sure nginx package installed	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_install]
      nginx : Create local html directory	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_dir]
      nginx : Update default nginx index page	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_dir]
      nginx : Copy nginx default config	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_config]
      nginx : Copy nginx upstream conf	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_config]
      nginx : Fetch haproxy facts	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_config, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Templating /etc/nginx/haproxy.conf	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_config, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Templating haproxy.html	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_config, nginx_haproxy]
      nginx : Launch nginx server	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_reload]
      nginx : Restart meta nginx service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_launch]
      nginx : Wait for nginx service online	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_launch]
      nginx : Make sure nginx exporter installed	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Config nginx_exporter options	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Restart nginx_exporter service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Wait for nginx exporter online	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_exporter]
      nginx : Register cosnul nginx service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_register]
      nginx : Register consul nginx-exporter service	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_register]
      nginx : Reload consul	TAGS: [meta, nginx, nginx_register]
      prometheus : Install prometheus and alertmanager	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_install]
      prometheus : Wipe out prometheus config dir	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_clean]
      prometheus : Wipe out existing prometheus data	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_clean]
      prometheus : Create postgres directory structure	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Copy prometheus bin scripts	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Copy prometheus rules scripts	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Copy altermanager config	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Render prometheus config	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Config /etc/prometheus opts	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config]
      prometheus : Fetch prometheus static monitoring targets	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config, prometheus_targets]
      prometheus : Render prometheus static targets	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_config, prometheus_targets]
      prometheus : Launch prometheus service	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Launch alertmanager service	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Wait for prometheus online	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Wait for alertmanager online	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_launch]
      prometheus : Reload prometheus service	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_reload]
      prometheus : Copy prometheus service definition	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_register]
      prometheus : Copy alertmanager service definition	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_register]
      prometheus : Reload consul to register prometheus	TAGS: [meta, prometheus, prometheus_register]
      grafana : Make sure grafana is installed	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_install, meta]
      grafana : Check grafana plugin cache exists	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Provision grafana plugins via cache	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Download grafana plugins from web	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Download grafana plugins from web	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Create grafana plugins cache	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_plugin, meta]
      grafana : Copy /etc/grafana/grafana.ini	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Remove grafana provision dir	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Copy provisioning content	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Copy pigsty dashboards	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Copy pigsty icon image	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, meta]
      grafana : Replace grafana icon with pigsty	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_config, grafana_customize, meta]
      grafana : Launch grafana service	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_launch, meta]
      grafana : Wait for grafana online	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_launch, meta]
      grafana : Update grafana default preferences	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_provision, meta]
      grafana : Register consul grafana service	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_register, meta]
      grafana : Reload consul	TAGS: [grafana, grafana_register, meta]

  play #4 (all): Init dcs	TAGS: []
      consul : Check for existing consul	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs]
      consul : Consul exists flag fact set	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs]
      consul : Abort due to consul exists	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs]
      consul : Clean existing consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Stop any running consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Remove existing consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Recreate consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs]
      consul : Make sure consul is installed	TAGS: [consul_install, dcs]
      consul : Make sure consul dir exists	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs server node names	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Fetch hostname as dcs node name	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs name from hostname	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Copy /etc/consul.d/consul.json	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Copy consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs]
      consul : Get dcs bootstrap expect quroum	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Copy consul server service unit	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Launch consul server service	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Wait for consul server online	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs]
      consul : Launch consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs]
      consul : Wait for consul agent online	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs]

  play #5 (all): Init database cluster	TAGS: []
      postgres : Create os group postgres	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Make sure dcs group exists	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Create dbsu {{ pg_dbsu }}	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu nopass sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu all sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu limited sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Add dbsu ssh no host checking	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Fetch dbsu public keys	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Exchange dbsu ssh keys	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, postgres]
      postgres : Install offical pgdg yum repo	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, postgres]
      postgres : Install pg packages	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, postgres]
      postgres : Install pg extensions	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, postgres]
      postgres : Link /usr/pgsql to current version	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, postgres]
      postgres : Add pg bin dir to profile path	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, postgres]
      postgres : Fix directory ownership	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, postgres]
      postgres : Remove default postgres service	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, postgres]
      postgres : Check necessary variables exists	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Fetch variables via pg_cluster	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Set cluster basic facts for hosts	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Assert cluster primary singleton	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup cluster primary ip address	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup repl upstream for primary	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup repl upstream for replicas	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Debug print instance summary	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Check for existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Set fact whether pg port is open	TAGS: [pg_check, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Abort due to existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Clean existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Shutdown existing postgres service	TAGS: [pg_clean, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove registerd consul service	TAGS: [pg_clean, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove postgres metadata in consul	TAGS: [pg_clean, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove existing postgres data	TAGS: [pg_clean, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Make sure main and backup dir exists	TAGS: [pg_dir, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create postgres directory structure	TAGS: [pg_dir, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create pgbouncer directory structure	TAGS: [pg_dir, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create links from pgbkup to pgroot	TAGS: [pg_dir, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create links from current cluster	TAGS: [pg_dir, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_cluster to /pg/meta/cluster	TAGS: [pg_meta, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_version to /pg/meta/version	TAGS: [pg_meta, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_instance to /pg/meta/instance	TAGS: [pg_meta, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_seq to /pg/meta/sequence	TAGS: [pg_meta, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_role to /pg/meta/role	TAGS: [pg_meta, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy postgres scripts to /pg/bin/	TAGS: [pg_scripts, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy alias profile to /etc/profile.d	TAGS: [pg_scripts, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy psqlrc to postgres home	TAGS: [pg_scripts, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Setup hostname to pg instance name	TAGS: [pg_hostname, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy consul node-meta definition	TAGS: [pg_nodemeta, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Restart consul to load new node-meta	TAGS: [pg_nodemeta, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [pg_watchdog, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Get config parameter page count	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Get config parameter page size	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Tune shared buffer and work mem	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Hanlde small size mem occasion	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Calculate postgres mem params	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : create patroni config dir	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : use predefined patroni template	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Render default /pg/conf/patroni.yml	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Link /pg/conf/patroni to /pg/bin/	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Link /pg/bin/patroni.yml to /etc/patroni/	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : create patroni systemd drop-in dir	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Copy postgres systemd service file	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : create patroni systemd drop-in file	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Render default initdb scripts	TAGS: [pg_config, postgres]
      postgres : Launch patroni on primary instance	TAGS: [pg_primary, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for patroni primary online	TAGS: [pg_primary, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres primary online	TAGS: [pg_primary, postgres]
      postgres : Check primary postgres service ready	TAGS: [pg_primary, postgres]
      postgres : Check replication connectivity to primary	TAGS: [pg_primary, postgres]
      postgres : Render default pg-init scripts	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_config, postgres]
      postgres : Render template init script	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_config, postgres]
      postgres : Execute initialization scripts	TAGS: [pg_init, postgres]
      postgres : Check primary instance ready	TAGS: [pg_init, postgres]
      postgres : Add dbsu password to pgpass if exists	TAGS: [pg_pass, postgres]
      postgres : Add system user to pgpass	TAGS: [pg_pass, postgres]
      postgres : Check replication connectivity to primary	TAGS: [pg_replica, postgres]
      postgres : Launch patroni on replica instances	TAGS: [pg_replica, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for patroni replica online	TAGS: [pg_replica, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres replica online	TAGS: [pg_replica, postgres]
      postgres : Check replica postgres service ready	TAGS: [pg_replica, postgres]
      postgres : Render hba rules	TAGS: [pg_hba, postgres]
      postgres : Reload hba rules	TAGS: [pg_hba, postgres]
      postgres : Pause patroni	TAGS: [pg_patroni, postgres]
      postgres : Stop patroni on replica instance	TAGS: [pg_patroni, postgres]
      postgres : Stop patroni on primary instance	TAGS: [pg_patroni, postgres]
      postgres : Launch raw postgres on primary	TAGS: [pg_patroni, postgres]
      postgres : Launch raw postgres on primary	TAGS: [pg_patroni, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres online	TAGS: [pg_patroni, postgres]
      postgres : Check pgbouncer is installed	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_check, postgres]
      postgres : Stop existing pgbouncer service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, postgres]
      postgres : Remove existing pgbouncer dirs	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, postgres]
      postgres : Recreate dirs with owner postgres	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, postgres]
      postgres : Copy /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgbouncer_ini, postgres]
      postgres : Copy /etc/pgbouncer/pgb_hba.conf	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgbouncer_hba, postgres]
      postgres : Touch userlist and database list	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, postgres]
      postgres : Add default users to pgbouncer	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, postgres]
      postgres : Copy pgbouncer systemd service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, postgres]
      postgres : Launch pgbouncer pool service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for pgbouncer service online	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, postgres]
      postgres : Check pgbouncer service is ready	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, postgres]
      postgres : Render business init script	TAGS: [business, pg_biz_config, pg_biz_init, postgres]
      postgres : Render database baseline sql	TAGS: [business, pg_biz_config, pg_biz_init, postgres]
      postgres : Execute business init script	TAGS: [business, pg_biz_init, postgres]
      postgres : Execute database baseline sql	TAGS: [business, pg_biz_init, postgres]
      postgres : Add pgbouncer busniess users	TAGS: [business, pg_biz_pgbouncer, postgres]
      postgres : Add pgbouncer busniess database	TAGS: [business, pg_biz_pgbouncer, postgres]
      postgres : Restart pgbouncer	TAGS: [business, pg_biz_pgbouncer, postgres]
      postgres : Copy pg service definition to consul	TAGS: [pg_register, postgres, register]
      postgres : Reload postgres consul service	TAGS: [pg_register, postgres, register]
      postgres : Render grafana datasource definition	TAGS: [pg_grafana, postgres, register]
      postgres : Register datasource to grafana	TAGS: [pg_grafana, postgres, register]
      monitor : Create /etc/pg_exporter conf dir	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Copy default pg_exporter.yaml	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Config /etc/default/pg_exporter	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Copy pg_exporter binary	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pg_exporter_binary]
      monitor : Config pg_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Launch pg_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Wait for pg_exporter service online	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Register pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register]
      monitor : Reload pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter opts	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Launch pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Wait for pgbouncer_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Register pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]
      monitor : Reload pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter binary	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, node_exporter_binary]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Config default node_exporter options	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Launch node_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Wait for node_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Register node-exporter service to consul	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]
      monitor : Reload node-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]
      haproxy : Make sure haproxy is installed	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_install]
      haproxy : Create haproxy directory	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_install]
      haproxy : Copy haproxy systemd service file	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_install, haproxy_unit]
      haproxy : Fetch postgres cluster memberships	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_config]
      haproxy : Templating /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_config]
      haproxy : Launch haproxy load balancer service	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_launch, haproxy_restart]
      haproxy : Wait for haproxy load balancer online	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_launch]
      haproxy : Reload haproxy load balancer service	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_reload]
      haproxy : Copy haproxy service definition	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_register]
      haproxy : Reload haproxy consul service	TAGS: [haproxy, haproxy_register]
      vip : Templating /etc/default/vip-manager.yml	TAGS: [vip]
      vip : create vip-manager. systemd drop-in dir	TAGS: [vip]
      vip : create vip-manager systemd drop-in file	TAGS: [vip]
      vip : Launch vip-manager	TAGS: [vip]

4 - 下线数据库集群





./pgsql-remove.yml -l pg-test  # 下线在 pg-test 集群
./pgsql-remove.yml -l pg-test  -l # 下线在 pg-test 集群中的一个实例


#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   pgsql-remove.yml
# Mtime     :   2020-05-12
# Mtime     :   2021-03-15
# Desc      :   remove postgres & consul services
# Path      :   pgsql-remove.yml
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# this playbook aims at removing postgres & consul & related service
# from # existing instances. So that the node can be recycled for
# re-initialize or other database clusters.

# Remove load balancer
- name: Remove load balancer
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  serial: 1
  gather_facts: no
  tags: rm-lb
    - name: Stop load balancer
      ignore_errors: true
      systemd: name={{ item }} state=stopped enabled=no daemon_reload=yes
        - vip-manager
        - haproxy
        # - keepalived

# Remove pg monitor
- name: Remove monitor
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: rm-monitor

    - name: Stop monitor service
      ignore_errors: true
      systemd: name={{ item }} state=stopped enabled=no daemon_reload=yes
        - pg_exporter
        - pgbouncer_exporter

    - name: Deregister exporter service
      ignore_errors: true
      file: path=/etc/consul.d/svc-{{ item }}.json state=absent
        - haproxy
        - pg-exporter
        - pgbouncer-exporter

    - name: Reload consul
      systemd: name=consul state=reloaded

# Remove watchdog owner
- name: Remove monitor
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: rm-watchdog
    # - watchdog owner - #
    - name: Remove patroni watchdog ownership
      ignore_errors: true
      file: path=/dev/watchdog owner=root group=root

# Remove postgres service
- name: Remove Postgres service
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  serial: 1
  gather_facts: no
  tags: rm-pg
    - name: Remove postgres replica services
      when: pg_role != 'primary'
      ignore_errors: true
      systemd: name={{ item }} state=stopped enabled=no daemon_reload=yes
        - patroni
        - postgres
        - pgbouncer

    # if in resume mode, postgres will not be stopped
    - name: Force stop postgres non-primary process
      become_user: "{{ pg_dbsu }}"
      when: pg_role != 'primary'
      ignore_errors: true
      shell: |
        {{ pg_bin_dir }}/pg_ctl -D {{ pg_data }} stop -m immediate
        exit 0        

    - name: Remove postgres primary services
      when: pg_role == 'primary'
      ignore_errors: true
      systemd: name={{ item }} state=stopped enabled=no daemon_reload=yes
        - patroni
        - postgres
        - pgbouncer

    - name: Force stop postgres primary process
      become_user: "{{ pg_dbsu }}"
      when: pg_role == 'primary'
      ignore_errors: true
      shell: |
        {{ pg_bin_dir }}/pg_ctl -D {{ pg_data }} stop -m immediate
        exit 0        

    - name: Deregister postgres services
      ignore_errors: true
      file: path=/etc/consul.d/svc-{{ item }}.json state=absent
        - postgres
        - pgbouncer
        - patroni

# Remove postgres service
- name: Remove Infrastructure
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  serial: 1
  gather_facts: no
  tags: rm-infra

    - name: Consul leave cluster
      ignore_errors: true
      command: /usr/bin/consul leave

    - name: Stop consul and node_exporter
      ignore_errors: true
      systemd: name={{ item }} state=stopped enabled=no daemon_reload=yes
        - node_exporter
        - consul

# Uninstall postgres and consul
- name: Uninstall Packages
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: rm-pkgs
    - name: Uninstall postgres and consul
      when: yum_remove is defined and yum_remove|bool
      shell: |
        yum remove -y consul
        yum remove -y postgresql{{ pg_version }}*        



./pgsql-remove.yml -l pg-test 




playbook: ./pgsql-remove.yml

  play #1 (all): Remove load balancer	TAGS: [rm-lb]
      Stop load balancer	TAGS: [rm-lb]

  play #2 (all): Remove monitor	TAGS: [rm-monitor]
      Stop monitor service	TAGS: [rm-monitor]
      Deregister exporter service	TAGS: [rm-monitor]
      Reload consul	TAGS: [rm-monitor]

  play #3 (all): Remove monitor	TAGS: [rm-watchdog]
      Remove patroni watchdog ownership	TAGS: [rm-watchdog]

  play #4 (all): Remove Postgres service	TAGS: [rm-pg]
      Remove postgres replica services	TAGS: [rm-pg]
      Force stop postgres non-primary process	TAGS: [rm-pg]
      Remove postgres primary services	TAGS: [rm-pg]
      Force stop postgres primary process	TAGS: [rm-pg]
      Deregister postgres services	TAGS: [rm-pg]

  play #5 (all): Remove Infrastructure	TAGS: [rm-infra]
      Consul leave cluster	TAGS: [rm-infra]
      Stop consul and node_exporter	TAGS: [rm-infra]

  play #6 (all): Uninstall Packages	TAGS: [rm-pkgs]
      Uninstall postgres and consul	TAGS: [rm-pkgs]

5 - 仅监控部署





# 在 pg-test 集群中部署监控
./pgsql-monitor.yml -l pg-test


#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   pgsql-monitor.yml
# Ctime     :   2021-02-23
# Mtime     :   2021-02-27
# Desc      :   deploy monitor components only
# Path      :   pgsql-monitor.yml
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# this is pgsql monitor setup playbook for MONITOR ONLY mode

# MONITOR-ONLY (monly) mode is a special deployment mode for
# integration with exterior provisioning solution or existing
# postgres clusters.
# with limited functionalities

# For monly deployment, The infra part is still the same.
# You MUST use static services discovery for prometheus
# You CAN NOT use services_registry

# Deploy monitor on selected targets
- name: Monitor Only Deployment
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: monitor
    - role: monitor                         # init monitor system
    # You'd better change those options in your main config file
    # prometheus_sd_method: static          # MUST use static sd for monitor only mode
    service_registry: none                  # MUST NOT register services
    exporter_install: binary                # none|yum|binary, none by default

    # exporter_install controls how node_exporter & pg_exporter are installed
    #    none   : I've already installed manually
    #    yum    : Use yum install, `exporter_repo_url` will be added if specified
    #    binary : Copy binary to /usr/bin. You must have binary in your `files` dir

    # - install - #
    # exporter_install: none                        # none|yum|binary, none by default
    # exporter_repo_url: ''                         # if set, repo will be added to /etc/yum.repos.d/ before yum installation

    # - collect - #
    # exporter_metrics_path: /metrics               # default metric path for pg related exporter

    # - node exporter - #
    # node_exporter_enabled: true                   # setup node_exporter on instance
    # node_exporter_port: 9100                      # default port for node exporter
    # node_exporter_options: '--no-collector.softnet --collector.systemd --collector.ntp --collector.tcpstat --collector.processes'

    # - pg exporter - #
    # pg_exporter_config: pg_exporter-demo.yaml     # default config files for pg_exporter
    # pg_exporter_enabled: true                     # setup pg_exporter on instance
    # pg_exporter_port: 9630                        # default port for pg exporter
    # pg_exporter_url: ''                           # optional, if not set, generate from reference parameters

    # - pgbouncer exporter - #
    # pgbouncer exporter require pgbouncer to work, so it is disabled by default in monitor-only mode
    # pgbouncer_exporter_enabled: false             # setup pgbouncer_exporter on instance (if you don't have pgbouncer, disable it)
    # pgbouncer_exporter_port: 9631                 # default port for pgbouncer exporter
    # pgbouncer_exporter_url: ''                    # optional, if not set, generate from reference parameters

    # - postgres variables reference - #
    # pg_dbsu: postgres
    # pg_port: 5432                                 # postgres port (5432 by default)
    # pgbouncer_port: 6432                          # pgbouncer port (6432 by default)
    # pg_localhost: /var/run/postgresql             # localhost unix socket dir for connection
    # pg_default_database: postgres                 # default database will be used as primary monitor target
    # pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor           # system monitor username, for postgres and pgbouncer
    # pg_monitor_password: DBUser.Monitor           # system monitor user's password
    # service_registry: consul                      # none | consul | etcd | both

# update static inventory in meta node and reload
- name: Update prometheus static sd files
  become: yes
  hosts: meta
  tags: prometheus
  gather_facts: no
    prometheus_sd_method: static                  # service discovery method: static|consul|etcd

    - include_tasks: roles/prometheus/tasks/targets.yml
    - include_tasks: roles/prometheus/tasks/reload.yml



./pgsql-monitor.yml -l pg-test


$ ./pgsql-monitor.yml -l pg-test -e pg_user=test
[WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details

PLAY [Create user in cluster] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Check parameter pg_user] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"

TASK [Fetch user definition] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "comment": "default test user for production usage",
        "name": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "pgbouncer": true,
        "roles": [
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "comment": "default test user for production usage",
        "name": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "pgbouncer": true,
        "roles": [
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "comment": "default test user for production usage",
        "name": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "pgbouncer": true,
        "roles": [

TASK [Check user definition] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /Volumes/Data/pigsty/roles/postgres/tasks/monitor.yml for,,

TASK [Render user test creation sql] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Execute user test creation sql on primary] **********************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Add user to pgbouncer] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

TASK [Reload pgbouncer to add user] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************                : ok=9    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0



playbook: ./pgsql-monitor.yml

  play #1 (all): Monitor Only Deployment	TAGS: [monitor]
      monitor : Install exporter yum repo	TAGS: [exporter_install, exporter_yum_install, monitor]
      monitor : Install node_exporter and pg_exporter	TAGS: [exporter_install, exporter_yum_install, monitor]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter binary	TAGS: [exporter_binary_install, exporter_install, monitor]
      monitor : Copy pg_exporter binary	TAGS: [exporter_binary_install, exporter_install, monitor]
      monitor : Create /etc/pg_exporter conf dir	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Copy default pg_exporter.yaml	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Config /etc/default/pg_exporter	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Config pg_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Launch pg_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Wait for pg_exporter service online	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter]
      monitor : Register pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register]
      monitor : Reload pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter opts	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Launch pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Wait for pgbouncer_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter]
      monitor : Register pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]
      monitor : Reload pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Config default node_exporter options	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Launch node_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Wait for node_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter]
      monitor : Register node-exporter service to consul	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]
      monitor : Reload node-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register]

  play #2 (meta): Update prometheus static sd files	TAGS: [prometheus]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [prometheus]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [prometheus]

6 - 创建业务用户





# 在 pg-test 集群创建名为 test 的用户
./pgsql-createuser.yml -l pg-test -e pg_user=test

请注意,pg_user 指定的用户,必须已经存在于集群pg_users的定义中,否则会报错。这意味着用户必须先定义用户,再创建用户。


#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   pgsql-createuser.yml
# Ctime     :   2021-02-27
# Mtime     :   2021-02-27
# Desc      :   create user on running cluster
# Path      :   pgsql-createuser.yml
# Deps      :   templates/pg-user.sql
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# How to create user ?
#   1. define user in your configuration file! <cluster>.vars.pg_usesrs
#   2. execute this playbook with pg_user set to your new user.name
#   3. run playbook on target cluster
# It essentially does:
#   1. create sql file in /pg/tmp/pg-user-{{ user.name }}.sql
#   2. create user on primary instance with that sql
#   3. if {{ user.pgbouncer }}, add to all cluster members and reload

- name: Create user in cluster
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

    # IMPORTANT: Change this or use cli-arg to specify target user in inventory  #
    pg_user: test

    # pre-flight check: validate pg_user and user definition
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - name: Preflight
        - name: Check parameter pg_user
          connection: local
              - pg_user is defined
              - pg_user != ''
              - pg_user != 'postgres'
            fail_msg: variable 'pg_user' should be specified to create target user

        - name: Fetch user definition
          connection: local
            pg_user_definition={{ pg_users | json_query(pg_user_definition_query) }}
            pg_user_definition_query: "[?name=='{{ pg_user }}'] | [0]"

        # print user definition
        - debug:
            msg: "{{ pg_user_definition }}"

        - name: Check user definition
              - pg_user_definition is defined
              - pg_user_definition != None
              - pg_user_definition != ''
              - pg_user_definition != {}
            fail_msg: user definition for {{ pg_user }} should exists in pg_users

    # Create user on cluster primary and add pgbouncer entry to cluster members
    # create user according to user definition
    - include_tasks: roles/postgres/tasks/createuser.yml
        user: "{{ pg_user_definition }}"

    # Pgbouncer Reload (entire cluster)
    - name: Reload pgbouncer to add user
      when: pg_user_definition.pgbouncer is defined and pg_user_definition.pgbouncer|bool
      tags: pgbouncer_reload
      systemd: name=pgbouncer state=reloaded enabled=yes daemon_reload=yes



./pgsql-createuser.yml -l pg-test -e pg_user=test


$ ./pgsql-createuser.yml -l pg-test -e pg_user=test
[WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details

PLAY [Create user in cluster] *****************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Check parameter pg_user] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"

TASK [Fetch user definition] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "comment": "default test user for production usage",
        "name": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "pgbouncer": true,
        "roles": [
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "comment": "default test user for production usage",
        "name": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "pgbouncer": true,
        "roles": [
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "comment": "default test user for production usage",
        "name": "test",
        "password": "test",
        "pgbouncer": true,
        "roles": [

TASK [Check user definition] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /Volumes/Data/pigsty/roles/postgres/tasks/createuser.yml for,,

TASK [Render user test creation sql] **********************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Execute user test creation sql on primary] **********************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Add user to pgbouncer] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

TASK [Reload pgbouncer to add user] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************                : ok=9    changed=4    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0



playbook: ./pgsql-createuser.yml

  play #1 (all): Create user in cluster	TAGS: []
      Check parameter pg_user	TAGS: []
      Fetch user definition	TAGS: []
      debug	TAGS: []
      Check user definition	TAGS: []
      include_tasks	TAGS: []
      Reload pgbouncer to add user	TAGS: [pgbouncer_reload]

7 - 创建与修改服务





# 在 pg-test 集群创建所有服务
./pgsql-service.yml -l pg-test 


#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   pgsql-service.yml
# Ctime     :   2021-03-12
# Mtime     :   2021-03-12
# Desc      :   reload service for postgres clusters
# Path      :   pgsql-service.yml
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# PLEASE USE COMPLETE INVENTORY (at least contains a complete cluster definition!)

# haproxy reload
#   will not reload if haproxy_reload=false
- name: Reload haproxy
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: haproxy
    - include_tasks: roles/service/tasks/haproxy_config.yml
      when: haproxy_enabled
    - include_tasks: roles/service/tasks/haproxy_reload.yml
      when: haproxy_enabled and haproxy_reload|bool

# l2-vip reload
#   will only config without reload if vip_reload=false
- name: Reload l2 VIP
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: vip_l2
    - include_tasks: roles/service/tasks/vip_l2_config.yml
      when: vip_mode == 'l2'
    - include_tasks: roles/service/tasks/vip_l2_reload.yml
      when: vip_mode == 'l2' and vip_reload|bool

# l4-vip reload
#   will not reload if vip_reload=false
- name: Reload l4 VIP
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no
  tags: vip_l4
    - include_tasks: roles/service/tasks/vip_l4_config.yml
    - include_tasks: roles/service/tasks/vip_l4_reload.yml



./pgsql-service.yml -l pg-test 


$ ./pgsql-service.yml -l pg-test
[WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details

PLAY [Reload haproxy] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /Volumes/Data/pigsty/roles/service/tasks/haproxy_config.yml for,,

TASK [Fetch postgres cluster memberships] *****************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [Templating /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg] ****************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /Volumes/Data/pigsty/roles/service/tasks/haproxy_reload.yml for,,

TASK [Reload haproxy load balancer service] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

PLAY [Reload l2 VIP] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /Volumes/Data/pigsty/roles/service/tasks/vip_l2_config.yml for,,

TASK [Templating /etc/default/vip-manager.yml] ************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /Volumes/Data/pigsty/roles/service/tasks/vip_l2_reload.yml for,,

TASK [Launch vip-manager] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

PLAY [Reload l4 VIP] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
skipping: []

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
skipping: []

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************                : ok=9    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=9    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=9    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0



playbook: ./pgsql-service.yml

  play #1 (all): Reload haproxy	TAGS: [haproxy]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [haproxy]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [haproxy]

  play #2 (all): Reload l2 VIP	TAGS: [vip_l2]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [vip_l2]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [vip_l2]

  play #3 (all): Reload l4 VIP	TAGS: [vip_l4]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [vip_l4]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [vip_l4]

8 - 创建业务数据库





# 在 pg-test 集群创建名为 test 的数据库
./pgsql-createdb.yml -l pg-test -e pg_database=test


#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   pgsql-createdb.yml
# Ctime     :   2021-02-27
# Mtime     :   2021-02-27
# Desc      :   create database on running cluster
# Deps      :   templates/pg-db.sql
# Path      :   pgsql-createdb.yml
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# How to create database ?
#   1. define database in your configuration file! <cluster>.vars.pg_databases
#   2. execute this playbook with pg_database set to your new database.name
#   3. run playbook on target cluster
# It essentially does:
#   1. create sql file in /pg/tmp/pg-db-{{ database.name }}.sql
#   2. create database on primary instance with that sql
#   3. if {{ database.pgbouncer }}, add to all cluster members and reload

- name: Create Database In Cluster
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

    # IMPORTANT: Change this or use cli-arg to specify target database in inventory  #
    pg_database: test

    # pre-flight check: validate pg_database and database definition
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    - name: Preflight
        - name: Check parameter pg_database
          connection: local
              - pg_database is defined
              - pg_database != ''
              - pg_database != 'postgres'
            fail_msg: variable 'pg_database' should be specified to create target database

        - name: Fetch database definition
          connection: local
            pg_database_definition={{ pg_databases | json_query(pg_database_definition_query) }}
            pg_database_definition_query: "[?name=='{{ pg_database }}'] | [0]"

        # print database definition
        - debug:
            msg: "{{ pg_database_definition }}"

        - name: Check database definition
              - pg_database_definition is defined
              - pg_database_definition != None
              - pg_database_definition != ''
              - pg_database_definition != {}
            fail_msg: database definition for {{ pg_database }} should exists in pg_databases

    # Create database on cluster primary and add pgbouncer entry to cluster members
    # create database according to database definition
    - include_tasks: roles/postgres/tasks/createdb.yml
        database: "{{ pg_database_definition }}"

    # Pgbouncer Reload (entire cluster)
    - name: Reload pgbouncer to add database
      when: pg_database_definition.pgbouncer is not defined or pg_database_definition.pgbouncer|bool
      tags: pgbouncer_reload
      systemd: name=pgbouncer state=reloaded enabled=yes daemon_reload=yes



./pgsql-createdb.yml -l pg-test -e pg_database=test


$ ./pgsql-createdb.yml -l pg-test -e pg_database=test
[WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not replaced, use -vvvv to see details

PLAY [Create Database In Cluster] *************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Check parameter pg_database] ************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"

TASK [Fetch database definition] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []
ok: []
ok: []

TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "name": "test"
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "name": "test"
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "name": "test"

TASK [Check database definition] **************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"
ok: [] => {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "All assertions passed"

TASK [include_tasks] **************************************************************************************************************************************************************
included: /Volumes/Data/pigsty/roles/postgres/tasks/createdb.yml for,,

TASK [debug] **********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": {
        "name": "test"
skipping: []
skipping: []

TASK [Render database test creation sql] ******************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Render database test baseline sql] ******************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
skipping: []

TASK [Execute database test creation command] *************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Execute database test creation sql] *****************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
changed: []

TASK [Execute database test creation sql] *****************************************************************************************************************************************
skipping: []
skipping: []
skipping: []

TASK [Add pgbouncer busniess database] ********************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

TASK [Reload pgbouncer to add database] *******************************************************************************************************************************************
changed: []
changed: []
changed: []

PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************                : ok=11   changed=5    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=2    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0                : ok=7    changed=2    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=6    rescued=0    ignored=0



playbook: ./pgsql-createdb.yml

  play #1 (all): Create Database In Cluster	TAGS: []
      Check parameter pg_database	TAGS: []
      Fetch database definition	TAGS: []
      debug	TAGS: []
      Check database definition	TAGS: []
      include_tasks	TAGS: []
      Reload pgbouncer to add database	TAGS: [pgbouncer_reload]