Need professional support ?
Pigisty is an open source project. Free of charge.
If you need professional support.:Contact me for more information: @Vonng(
For example:
- Complete version of monitoring system.
- Security Enhancement
- Extra dashboards
- Meta database and catalog explore
- Logging summary system
- Backup / Recovery plan
- Existing system intergration
- Failure diagnostic
- Customize support
- Tickets
1 - Compare
Comparing to other monitoring solution for PostgreSQL
some candidates:

Here is a cross-sectional comparison of the number of metrics. Only database-related metrics are taken here, meaning that the machine CPU disk metrics are left aside.
There are some open source, or commercial, or cloud vendor’s PG monitoring system, here according to their publicly available code or documentation for statistics. A family of words is suspected of selling the melon and boasting, welcome your correction. At least on the order of magnitude, this chart is still not too much of a problem, refer to the link at the end of the article for details.

One might ask, although the metrics look impressive with a lot of metrics, what is the practical significance of this? It is true that for fault alerting only a few key metrics are needed. But adequate metrics coverage can further improve our insight and control over the database, and that can’t be too high, more is better.

PG Analyze




Azure RDS

Aliyun RDS

Aliyun RDS
Azure RDS
2 - Open Source
Why pigsty choose open source?
Pigsty was designed with the intention of making up for the regrets in the PostgreSQL open source ecosystem. Based on open source, it is only right to give back to the community.
Pigsty is based on open source component customization, so it has chosen to become an open source project itself, based on the Apache 2.0 License open source.
This thing can really sell money, so also provide optional commercial support.
The commercial version will have more monitoring panels and metrics, but the open source version itself is also completely more than adequate for production use.
Despite the choice of open source, but still respect the cloud vendors: although you can use, white whoring is not good, at least please respect the original author ha.
3 - Roadmap
Next steps for pigsty
Version planning
Pigsty current version is v0.8.0 in RC status. However, it is guaranteed that the supply solution function Freeze and API will not be changed.
The next version v0.9.0 will be the last overall calibration of the monitoring system metrics, rules, visualization scheme and enter RC state (May 2021).
It will enter GA state (June 2021) in v1.0 (mid 2021).
After v1.0, no new features will be added to the provisioning solution section, focusing on the development and optimization of monitoring system metrics and panels.
Database Administration
- admin-report.yml
- admin-backup.yml
- admin-repack.yml
- admin-vacuum.yml
- admin-deploy.yml
- admin-restart.yml
- admin-reload.yml
- admin-createdb.yml
- admin-createuser.yml
- admin-edit-hba.yml
- admin-edit-config.yml
- admin-dump-schema.yml
- admin-dump-table.yml
- admin-copy-data.yml
- admin-pg-exporter-reload.yml
Database HA
- ha-switchover.yml
- ha-failover.yml
- ha-election.yml
- ha-rewind.yml
- ha-restore.yml
- ha-pitr.yml
- ha-drain.yml
- ha-proxy-add.yml
- ha-proxy-remove.yml
- ha-proxy-switch.yml
- ha-repl-report.yml
- ha-repl-sync.yml
- ha-repl-retarget.yml
- ha-pool-retarget.yml
- ha-pool-pause.yml
- ha-pool-resume.yml
- Intergrate Haproxy admin web UI to nginx
- Add blackbox exporter support
- add complete etcd support
- add L4 VIP support
- add pgbadger logging summary support
- add citus deployment
- add slow query auto analyze features
- add pev2 to pigsty
- other enhancement to monitoring dashboards