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The problems Pigsty solves, the techniques Pigsty used, and the scenarios to which it applies.

What is Pigsty

  • Pigsty delivers the best monitoring system for PostgreSQL
  • Pigsty is a high-available postgres provisioning solution
  • Pigsty is an open source software lower the threshold of enjoying postgres.


You can’t manage what you don’t measure.

Monitoring systems provide metrics on the state of the system and are the cornerstone of operations and maintenance management.

PostgreSQL is the best open source relational database in the world, but its ecosystem lacks a good enough monitoring system.

Pigsty aims to solve this: It delivers the best PostgreSQL monitoring system.

Pigsty is unrivaled in terms of metrics numbers and monitoring panel richness. Check comparsion for more detail.


Pigsty is a HA postgres cluster provisioning solution.

Provisioning solution is not a database, but a database factory. You submits a form to the factory, and it create corresponding postgres cluster you want based on the form content.

Pigsty use declarative configuration for defining postgres clusters. These clusters are created via idempotent playbooks. Which provides a kubernetes-like user experience.

The postgres clusters created by Pigsty are distributed, highly available postgres clusters. As long as any instance of the cluster still alive, the cluster can fully funtional. And each instance/node are idempotent . It will perform auto failover when failure occurs and self-heal within seconds without affecting read-only traffics.

If you wish to use Pigsty monitoring system alone without provisioning solution. Check monitor-only deployment for more information.

Open Source

Pigsty is l open source based on the Apache 2.0 License, which is free to use and also provides optional commercial support.

Pigsty’s monitoring system and provisioning solution are mostly based on open source components, and PostgreSQL itself is the world’s most advanced open source relational database. Based on the open source ecosystem and giving back to the open source community, Pigsty can greatly reduce the threshold of using and managing PostgreSQL, allowing more people to enjoy the convenience of PostgreSQL and experience the fun of the database.

The original intention of developing Pigsty was that the author needed to manage a large-scale PostgreSQL cluster, but after looking through all the open source and commercial monitoring system solutions on the market, he found that none of them were “good enough”. In the spirit of “I’ll do it, I’ll do it”, we developed and designed the Pigsty monitoring system. In order to distribute and demonstrate the monitoring system, there must first be monitored objects, so incidentally developed the Pigsty provisioning solution.

Pigsty packaged production-grade mature deployment solutions such as master-slave replication, failover, traffic proxy, connection pooling, service discovery, and basic permission system** into this project, and provided a **sandbox environment** for demonstration and testing. The sandbox configuration file can be applied to production deployments with only minor modifications, and users can fully explore and experience the features provided by Pigsty on their own laptops, truly **out-of-the-box**.

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