Service Discovery

How service discovery works

Service Discovery [DRAFT]

Service Overview

Pigsty is intergreted with DCS based Service Discovery. All service are automatically registed to DCS. Which eliminate manual maintenance work on monitoring system. And you can see health status about all nodes and service in an intuitive way.

Consul is the only DCS that is supported (etcd will be added further). You can use consul as DNS service provider to achieve DNS based traffic routing.

Service Register

Service are registered by consul agent.

Service are defined in json format, put in /etc/consul.d/

each service have a json file named as svc-<service>.json

Take postgres service as an example:

  "service": {
    "name": "postgres",
    "port": {{ pg_port }},
    "tags": [
      "{{ pg_role }}",
      "{{ pg_cluster }}"
    "meta": {
      "type": "postgres",
      "role": "{{ pg_role }}",
      "seq": "{{ pg_seq }}",
      "instance": "{{ pg_instance }}",
      "service": "{{ pg_service }}",
      "cluster": "{{ pg_cluster }}",
      "version": "{{ pg_version }}"
    "check": {
      "tcp": "{{ pg_port }}",
      "interval": "15s",
      "timeout": "1s"

Service Discovery

Prometheus can discover service from consul directly

  - job_name: pg
      - server: localhost:8500
        refresh_interval: 5s
          - pg
          - exporter

Service Maintenance

Sometimes service metadata may change, it requires a consul reload to take effect.

Anti-Entropy script /pg/bin/pg-register will periodically check and fix postgres role. And it will be triggered when failover occurs.

blah blah




Last modified 2021-01-05: init commit (cac5509)