Patroni Template

How to customize patroni templates

Pigsty uses Patroni to manage and initialize Postgres database clusters. Pigsty uses Patroni to do the bulk of the provisioning work, and even if you choose the No-Patroni mode, pulling up the database cluster will be handled by Patroni, and the Patroni component will be removed after creation.

You can do most of the PostgreSQL cluster customization through the Patroni configuration file. Please refer to the Patroni official documentation for details of the Patroni configuration file format.

Pigsty provides four predefined initialization templates, the initialization templates are the definition files used to initialize the database cluster, the default is located in [roles/postgres/templates/]( postgres/templates). Included are.

  • oltp.yml OLTP template, default configuration, optimized for latency and performance for production models.
  • olap.yml OLAP template, improve parallelism, optimize for throughput, long queries.
  • crit.yml) Core business template, based on OLTP template optimized for RPO, security, data integrity, enable synchronous replication and data checksum.
  • tiny.yml Micro database template optimized for low resource scenarios, such as demo database clusters running in virtual machines.

Specify the path to the template to be used via the pg_conf parameter, or simply fill in the template file name if you are using a pre-built template.

If you use a custom patroni configuration template, you should usually also use the corresponding infrastructure template for the machine nodes.

For more detailed information, please refer to PG Provision Parameters


#!/usr/bin/env patroni
# File      :   patroni.yml
# Ctime     :   2020-04-08
# Mtime     :   2020-12-22
# Desc      :   patroni cluster definition for {{ pg_cluster }} (oltp)
# Path      :   /pg/bin/patroni.yml
# Real Path :   /pg/conf/{{ pg_instance }}.yml
# Link      :   /pg/bin/patroni.yml -> /pg/conf/{{ pg_instance}}.yml
# Note      :   Transactional Database Cluster Template
# Doc       :
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# OLTP database are optimized for performance, rt latency
# typical spec: 64 Core | 400 GB RAM | PCI-E SSD xTB

# identity
namespace: {{ pg_namespace }}/          # namespace
scope: {{ pg_cluster }}                 # cluster name
name: {{ pg_instance }}                 # instance name

# log
  level: INFO                           #  NOTEST|DEBUG|INFO|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL
  dir: /pg/log/                         #  default log file: /pg/log/patroni.log
  file_size: 100000000                  #  100MB log triggers a log rotate
  # format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s'

# dcs
  consistency: default         # default|consistent|stale
  register_service: true
  service_check_interval: 15s
    - {{ pg_cluster }}

# api
# how to expose patroni service
# listen on all ipv4, connect via public ip, use same credential as dbuser_monitor
  listen:{{ patroni_port }}
  connect_address: {{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ patroni_port }}
    verify_client: none                 # none|optional|required
    username: {{ pg_monitor_username }}
    password: '{{ pg_monitor_password }}'

# ctl
    insecure: true
    # cacert: '/path/to/ca/cert'
    # certfile: '/path/to/cert/file'
    # keyfile: '/path/to/key/file'

# tags
  nofailover: false
  clonefrom: true
  noloadbalance: false
  nosync: false
{% if pg_upstream is defined %}
  replicatefrom: {{ pg_upstream }}    # clone from another replica rather than primary
{% endif %}

# watchdog
# available mode: off|automatic|required
  mode: {{ patroni_watchdog_mode }}
  device: /dev/watchdog
  # safety_margin: 10s

# bootstrap

  # bootstrap method
  method: initdb
  # add custom bootstrap method here

  # default bootstrap method: initdb
    - locale: C
    - encoding: UTF8
    # - data-checksums    # enable data-checksum

  # bootstrap users
  # additional users which need to be created after initializing new cluster
  # replication user and monitor user are required
    {{ pg_replication_username }}:
      password: '{{ pg_replication_password }}'
    {{ pg_monitor_username }}:
      password: '{{ pg_monitor_password }}'
    {{ pg_admin_username }}:
      password: '{{ pg_admin_password }}'

  # bootstrap hba, allow local and intranet password access & replication
  # will be overwritten later
    - local   all             postgres                                ident
    - local   all             all                                     md5
    - host    all             all                  md5
    - local   replication     postgres                                ident
    - local   replication     all                                     md5
    - host    replication     all                  md5

  # template
  # post_init: /pg/bin/pg-init

  # bootstrap config
  # this section will be written to /{{ pg_namespace }}/{{ pg_cluster }}/config
  # if will NOT take any effect after cluster bootstrap

{% if pg_role == 'primary' and pg_upstream is defined %}
    # standby cluster definition
      host: {{ pg_upstream }}
      port: {{ pg_port }}
      # primary_slot_name: patroni     # must be create manually on upstream server, if specified
        - basebackup
{% endif %}

    # important parameters
    # constraint: ttl >: loop_wait + retry_timeout * 2

    # the number of seconds the loop will sleep. Default value: 10
    # this is patroni check loop interval
    loop_wait: 10

    # the TTL to acquire the leader lock (in seconds). Think of it as the length of time before initiation of the automatic failover process. Default value: 30
    # config this according to your network condition to avoid false-positive failover
    ttl: 30

    # timeout for DCS and PostgreSQL operation retries (in seconds). DCS or network issues shorter than this will not cause Patroni to demote the leader. Default value: 10
    retry_timeout: 10

    # the amount of time a master is allowed to recover from failures before failover is triggered (in seconds)
    # Max RTO: 2 loop wait + master_start_timeout
    master_start_timeout: 10

    # import: candidate will not be promoted if replication lag is higher than this
    # maximum RPO: 1MB
    maximum_lag_on_failover: 1048576

    # The number of seconds Patroni is allowed to wait when stopping Postgres and effective only when synchronous_mode is enabled
    master_stop_timeout: 30

    # turns on synchronous replication mode. In this mode a replica will be chosen as synchronous and only the latest leader and synchronous replica are able to participate in leader election
    # set to true for RPO mode
    synchronous_mode: false

    # prevents disabling synchronous replication if no synchronous replicas are available, blocking all client writes to the master
    synchronous_mode_strict: false

    # postgres parameters
      use_slots: true
      use_pg_rewind: true
      remove_data_directory_on_rewind_failure: true

        max_connections: 400                    # 100 -> 400
        superuser_reserved_connections: 10      # reserve 10 connection for su
        max_locks_per_transaction: 128          # 64 -> 128
        max_prepared_transactions: 0            # 0 disable 2PC
        track_commit_timestamp: on              # enabled xact timestamp
        max_worker_processes: 8                 # default 8, set to cpu core
        wal_level: logical                      # logical
        wal_log_hints: on                       # wal log hints to support rewind
        max_wal_senders: 16                     # 10 -> 16
        max_replication_slots: 16               # 10 -> 16
        wal_keep_size: 100GB                    # keep at least 100GB WAL
        password_encryption: md5                # use traditional md5 auth

        # RESOURCE USAGE (except WAL)
        # memory: shared_buffers and maintenance_work_mem will be dynamically set
        shared_buffers: {{ pg_shared_buffers }}
        maintenance_work_mem: {{ pg_maintenance_work_mem }}
        work_mem: 32MB                          # 4MB -> 32MB
        huge_pages: try                         # try huge pages
        temp_file_limit: 100GB                  # 0 -> 100GB
        vacuum_cost_delay: 2ms                  # wait 2ms per 10000 cost
        vacuum_cost_limit: 10000                # 10000 cost each round
        bgwriter_delay: 10ms                    # check dirty page every 10ms
        bgwriter_lru_maxpages: 800              # 100 -> 800
        bgwriter_lru_multiplier: 5.0            # 2.0 -> 5.0  more cushion buffer

        # WAL
        wal_buffers: 16MB                       # max to 16MB
        wal_writer_delay: 20ms                  # wait period
        wal_writer_flush_after: 1MB             # max allowed data loss
        min_wal_size: 100GB                     # at least 100GB WAL
        max_wal_size: 400GB                     # at most 400GB WAL
        commit_delay: 20                        # 200ms -> 20ms, increase speed
        commit_siblings: 10                     # 5 -> 10
        checkpoint_timeout: 60min               # checkpoint 5min -> 1h
        checkpoint_completion_target: 0.95      # 0.5 -> 0.95
        archive_mode: on
        archive_command: 'wal_dir=/pg/arcwal; [[ $(date +%H%M) == 1200 ]] && rm -rf ${wal_dir}/$(date -d"yesterday" +%Y%m%d); /bin/mkdir -p ${wal_dir}/$(date +%Y%m%d) && /usr/bin/lz4 -q -z %p > ${wal_dir}/$(date +%Y%m%d)/%f.lz4'

        # synchronous_standby_names: ''
        vacuum_defer_cleanup_age: 50000         # 0->50000 last 50000 xact changes will not be vacuumed
        promote_trigger_file: promote.signal    # default promote trigger file path
        max_standby_archive_delay: 10min        # max delay before canceling queries when reading WAL from archive;
        max_standby_streaming_delay: 3min       # max delay before canceling queries when reading streaming WAL;
        wal_receiver_status_interval: 1s        # send replies at least this often
        hot_standby_feedback: on                # send info from standby to prevent query conflicts
        wal_receiver_timeout: 60s               # time that receiver waits for
        max_logical_replication_workers: 8      # 4 -> 8
        max_sync_workers_per_subscription: 8    # 4 -> 8

        # QUERY TUNING
        # planner
        # enable_partitionwise_join: on
        random_page_cost: 1.1                   # 4 for HDD, 1.1 for SSD
        effective_cache_size: 320GB             # max mem - shared buffer
        default_statistics_target: 1000         # stat bucket 100 -> 1000

        log_destination: csvlog                 # use standard csv log
        logging_collector: on                   # enable csvlog
        log_directory: log                      # default log dir: /pg/data/log
        # log_filename: 'postgresql-%a.log'     # weekly auto-recycle
        log_filename: 'postgresql-%Y-%m-%d.log' # YYYY-MM-DD full log retention
        log_checkpoints: on                     # log checkpoint info
        log_lock_waits: on                      # log lock wait info
        log_replication_commands: on            # log replication info
        log_statement: ddl                      # log ddl change
        log_min_duration_statement: 100         # log slow query (>100ms)

        # STATISTICS
        track_io_timing: on                     # collect io statistics
        track_functions: all                    # track all functions (none|pl|all)
        track_activity_query_size: 8192         # max query length in pg_stat_activity

        # AUTOVACUUM
        log_autovacuum_min_duration: 1s         # log autovacuum activity take more than 1s
        autovacuum_max_workers: 3               # default autovacuum worker 3
        autovacuum_naptime: 1min                # default autovacuum naptime 1min
        autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor: 0.08    # fraction of table size before vacuum   20% -> 8%
        autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor: 0.04   # fraction of table size before analyze  10% -> 4%
        autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay: -1        # default vacuum cost delay: same as vacuum_cost_delay
        autovacuum_vacuum_cost_limit: -1        # default vacuum cost limit: same as vacuum_cost_limit
        autovacuum_freeze_max_age: 100000000    # age > 1 billion triggers force vacuum

        # CLIENT
        deadlock_timeout: 50ms                  # 50ms for deadlock
        idle_in_transaction_session_timeout: 10min  # 10min timeout for idle in transaction

        # extensions
        shared_preload_libraries: '{{ pg_shared_libraries | default("pg_stat_statements, auto_explain") }}'

        # auto_explain
        auto_explain.log_min_duration: 1s       # auto explain query slower than 1s
        auto_explain.log_analyze: true          # explain analyze
        auto_explain.log_verbose: true          # explain verbose
        auto_explain.log_timing: true           # explain timing
        auto_explain.log_nested_statements: true

        # pg_stat_statements
        pg_stat_statements.max: 10000           # 5000 -> 10000 queries
        pg_stat_statements.track: all           # track all statements (all|top|none)
        pg_stat_statements.track_utility: off   # do not track query other than CRUD
        pg_stat_statements.track_planning: off  # do not track planning metrics

# postgres

  # how to connect to postgres
  bin_dir: {{ pg_bin_dir }}
  data_dir: {{ pg_data }}
  config_dir: {{ pg_data }}
  pgpass: {{ pg_dbsu_home }}/.pgpass
  listen: {{ pg_listen }}:{{ pg_port }}
  connect_address: {{ inventory_hostname }}:{{ pg_port }}
  use_unix_socket: true # default: /var/run/postgresql, /tmp

  # who to connect to postgres
      username: {{ pg_dbsu }}
      username: {{ pg_replication_username }}
      password: '{{ pg_replication_password }}'
      username: {{ pg_replication_username }}
      password: '{{ pg_replication_password }}'

  # how to react to database operations
  # event callback script log: /pg/log/callback.log
    on_start: /pg/bin/pg-failover-callback
    on_stop: /pg/bin/pg-failover-callback
    on_reload: /pg/bin/pg-failover-callback
    on_restart: /pg/bin/pg-failover-callback
    on_role_change: /pg/bin/pg-failover-callback

  # rewind policy: data checksum should be enabled before using rewind
  use_pg_rewind: true
  remove_data_directory_on_rewind_failure: true
  remove_data_directory_on_diverged_timelines: false

  # how to create replica
  # create replica method: default pg_basebackup
    - basebackup
    - max-rate: '1000M'
    - checkpoint: fast
    - status-interva: 1s
    - verbose
    - progress

  # ad hoc parameters (overwrite with default)
  # parameters:

  # host based authentication, bootstrap only
    - local   all             postgres                                ident
    - local   all             all                                     md5
    - host    all             all                  md5
    - local   replication     postgres                                ident
    - local   replication     all                                     md5
    - host    replication     all                  md5

Last modified 2021-02-08: update en deploy doc (c50b13b)