Offline Installation

How to install Pigsty in offline mode

Offline Installation (optional)

Pigsty is a complex software system. To ensure the stability of the system, Pigsty downloads all dependent packages from the Internet and creates local Yum repo during the infra-bootstrap.

The total size of all dependent software is around 1GB, and the download speed depends on your network. Although Pigsty has tried to use mirrored sources to speed up the download, a small number of packages may still be blocked by firewalls and may appear very slow. You can set the download proxy to complete the first download with the proxy_env configuration entry, or download the pre-packaged offline installer directly.

Download Pkgs

The pre-packaged (CentOS 7.8) offline installer can be found on the Github Release page.

For example, the offline installer for Pigsty v0.5 is located at

File Location

Copy the package to files/pkg.tgz.

For sandbox env, shortcut make upload will upload the offline package to the target location in the meta node.

make upload

In order to pull up Pigsty quickly, it is highly recommended to use the offline installation if applicable.

The default offline package is based on CentOS 7.8, for production environments we strongly recommend that you complete a full network download and cache the offline installer via make cache depending on the production environment.

Offline Installation Pkg is Yum Repo Copy

When creating a local Yum repo, if the {{ repo_home }}/{{ repo_name }} directory already exists and has a repo_complete marker file in it, Pigsty will assume that the local Yum source has been already initialized and skip the software download phase to speed things up significantly. The offline installer is a compressed archive of the entire {{ repo_home }}/{{ repo_name }} directory.

If you change the name of the offline source repo_name, you should also make sure that {{ repo_name }} in the configuration file matches the name of the folder where the offline installer is extracted.

Last modified 2021-02-08: update en deploy doc (c50b13b)