Pgsql Provision

How to define and create postgres clusters?

Playbook Overview

After completing the [infrastructure initialization](. /infra-provision/), users can pgsql.yml to complete the initialization of the database cluster.

First in [Pigsty configuration file](… /… //config/pgsql/) and then apply the changes to the real environment by executing pgsql.yml.

. /pgsql.yml # Execute the database cluster initialization operation on all the machines in the manifest (danger!)
. /pgsql.yml -l pg-test # Perform database cluster initialization on the machines under the pg-test manifest (recommended!)
. /pgsql.yml -l pg-meta,pg-test # Initialize both pg-meta and pg-test clusters at the same time
. /pgsql.yml -l # Initialize the database instance on the machine


  • Using pgsql.yml without parameters is convenient, but it is a high-risk operation in production environments

    It is strongly recommended that you add the -l parameter to the execution to limit the range of objects for which the command can be executed.

  • Users can treat metanodes as normal nodes reuse, i.e. define and create PostgreSQL databases on metanodes.

    In the default sandbox environment, executing . /pgsql.yml will complete the initialization of pg-meta and pg-test at the same time.

  • Separately When performing initialization for a cluster slave, the user must make sure that the master library has been initialized, but not the master and its slaves at the same time.

Protection mechanism

pgsql.yml provides a protection mechanism determined by the configuration parameter pg_exists_action. When there is a running instance of PostgreSQL on the target machine before executing the script, Pigsty will act according to the configuration abort|clean|skip of pg_exists_action.

  • abort: recommended to be set as the default configuration to abort script execution if an existing instance is encountered to avoid accidental library deletion.
  • clean: recommended to be used in local sandbox environment, to clear existing database in case of existing instances.
  • skip: Execute subsequent logic directly on the existing database cluster.
  • You can use . /pgsql.yml -e pg_exists_action=clean to override the configuration file option and force wipe the existing instance

The pg_disable_purge`'' option provides double protection; if enabled, pg_exists_action'' is forced to be set to ``abort' and will not wipe out running database instances under any circumstances.

dcs_exists_action` and dcs_disable_purge` have the same effect as the above two options, but for DCS (Consul Agent) instances.

Selective execution

Users have the option to execute a subset of scripts through ansible’s tagging mechanism.

As an example, if you want to execute only the service initialization part, you can do so with the following command

./pgsql.yml --tags=service

Frequently used subsets

./pgsql.yml --tags=infra        # 完成基础设施的初始化,包括机器节点初始化与DCS部署
./pgsql.yml --tags=node         # 完成机器节点的初始化
./pgsql.yml --tags=dcs          # 完成DCS:consul/etcd的初始化
./pgsql.yml --tags=dcs -e dcs_exists_action # 完成consul/etcd的初始化,抹除已有的consul agent

./pgsql.yml --tags=pgsql        # 完成数据库与监控的部署
./pgsql.yml --tags=postgres     # 完成数据库部署
./pgsql.yml --tags=monitor      # 完成监控的部署

./pgsql.yml --tags=service       # 完成负载均衡的部署,包括Haproxy与VIP
./pgsql.yml --tags=haproxy_config,haproxy_reload  # 修改Haproxy配置并应用。


pgsql.yml does the following, among others.

  • Initialize the database node infrastructure (node)
  • Initialize the DCS Agent (or DCS Server if it is a meta-node) service (consul)
  • Install, deploy, and initialize PostgreSQL, Pgbouncer, Patroni (postgres)
  • Installation of PostgreSQL monitoring system (monitor)
  • Installing and deploying Haproxy and VIP, exposing services to the outside world (service)

Please refer to Tasks for the precise label about tasks

#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# File      :   pgsql.yml
# Mtime     :   2020-05-12
# Mtime     :   2021-03-15
# Desc      :   initialize pigsty cluster
# Path      :   pgsql.yml
# Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Ruohang Feng

# init node and database
- name: Pgsql Initialization
  become: yes
  hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

    - role: node                            # init node
      tags: [infra, node]

    - role: consul                          # init consul
      tags: [infra, dcs]

    - role: postgres                        # init postgres
      tags: [pgsql, postgres]

    - role: monitor                         # init monitor system
      tags: [pgsql, monitor]

    - role: service                         # init service
      tags: [service]



list all available tasks with following commands

./pgsql.yml --list-tasks


playbook: ./pgsql.yml

  play #1 (all): Pgsql Initialization	TAGS: []
      node : Update node hostname	TAGS: [infra, node, node_name]
      node : Add new hostname to /etc/hosts	TAGS: [infra, node, node_name]
      node : Write static dns records	TAGS: [infra, node, node_dns]
      node : Get old nameservers	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Truncate resolv file	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Write resolv options	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Add new nameservers	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Append old nameservers	TAGS: [infra, node, node_resolv]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [infra, node, node_firewall]
      node : Node disable selinux by default	TAGS: [infra, node, node_firewall]
      node : Backup existing repos	TAGS: [infra, node, node_repo]
      node : Install upstream repo	TAGS: [infra, node, node_repo]
      node : Install local repo	TAGS: [infra, node, node_repo]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node basic packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install node extra packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Install meta specific packages	TAGS: [infra, node, node_pkgs]
      node : Node configure disable numa	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable swap	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure unmount swap	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node setup static network	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disable firewall	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Node configure disk prefetch	TAGS: [infra, node, node_feature]
      node : Enable linux kernel modules	TAGS: [infra, node, node_kernel]
      node : Enable kernel module on reboot	TAGS: [infra, node, node_kernel]
      node : Get config parameter page count	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Get config parameter page size	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Tune shmmax and shmall via mem	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Create tuned profiles	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Render tuned profiles	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Active tuned profile	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Change additional sysctl params	TAGS: [infra, node, node_tuned]
      node : Copy default user bash profile	TAGS: [infra, node, node_profile]
      node : Setup node default pam ulimits	TAGS: [infra, node, node_ulimit]
      node : Create os user group admin	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Create os user admin	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Grant admin group nopass sudo	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Add no host checking to ssh config	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Add admin ssh no host checking	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Fetch all admin public keys	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Exchange all admin ssh keys	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Install public keys	TAGS: [infra, node, node_admin]
      node : Install ntp package	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_install]
      node : Install chrony package	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_install]
      node : Setup default node timezone	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the ntp.conf file	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_config]
      node : Copy the chrony.conf template	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_config]
      node : Launch ntpd service	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_launch]
      node : Launch chronyd service	TAGS: [infra, node, ntp_launch]
      consul : Check for existing consul	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs, infra]
      consul : Consul exists flag fact set	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs, infra]
      consul : Abort due to consul exists	TAGS: [consul_check, dcs, infra]
      consul : Clean existing consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Stop any running consul instance	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Remove existing consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Recreate consul dir	TAGS: [consul_clean, dcs, infra]
      consul : Make sure consul is installed	TAGS: [consul_install, dcs, infra]
      consul : Make sure consul dir exists	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs server node names	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs node name from var	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Fetch hostname as dcs node name	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs name from hostname	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Copy /etc/consul.d/consul.json	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Copy consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_config, dcs, infra]
      consul : Get dcs bootstrap expect quroum	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Copy consul server service unit	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Launch consul server service	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Wait for consul server online	TAGS: [consul_server, dcs, infra]
      consul : Launch consul agent service	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs, infra]
      consul : Wait for consul agent online	TAGS: [consul_agent, dcs, infra]
      postgres : Create os group postgres	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Make sure dcs group exists	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Create dbsu {{ pg_dbsu }}	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu nopass sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu all sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Grant dbsu limited sudo	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add dbsu ssh no host checking	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Fetch dbsu public keys	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Exchange dbsu ssh keys	TAGS: [instal, pg_dbsu, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Install offical pgdg yum repo	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Install pg packages	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Install pg extensions	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Link /usr/pgsql to current version	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add pg bin dir to profile path	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Fix directory ownership	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Remove default postgres service	TAGS: [instal, pg_install, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check necessary variables exists	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Fetch variables via pg_cluster	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Set cluster basic facts for hosts	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Assert cluster primary singleton	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup cluster primary ip address	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup repl upstream for primary	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Setup repl upstream for replicas	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Debug print instance summary	TAGS: [always, pg_preflight, pgsql, postgres, preflight]
      postgres : Check for existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Set fact whether pg port is open	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Abort due to existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Clean existing postgres instance	TAGS: [pg_check, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Shutdown existing postgres service	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove registerd consul service	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove postgres metadata in consul	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Remove existing postgres data	TAGS: [pg_clean, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Make sure main and backup dir exists	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create postgres directory structure	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create pgbouncer directory structure	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create links from pgbkup to pgroot	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Create links from current cluster	TAGS: [pg_dir, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_cluster to /pg/meta/cluster	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_version to /pg/meta/version	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_instance to /pg/meta/instance	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_seq to /pg/meta/sequence	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy pg_role to /pg/meta/role	TAGS: [pg_meta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy postgres scripts to /pg/bin/	TAGS: [pg_scripts, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy alias profile to /etc/profile.d	TAGS: [pg_scripts, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy psqlrc to postgres home	TAGS: [pg_scripts, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Setup hostname to pg instance name	TAGS: [pg_hostname, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Copy consul node-meta definition	TAGS: [pg_nodemeta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Restart consul to load new node-meta	TAGS: [pg_nodemeta, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [pg_watchdog, pgsql, postgres, prepare]
      postgres : Get config parameter page count	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Get config parameter page size	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Tune shared buffer and work mem	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Hanlde small size mem occasion	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Calculate postgres mem params	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : create patroni config dir	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : use predefined patroni template	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render default /pg/conf/patroni.yml	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Link /pg/conf/patroni to /pg/bin/	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Link /pg/bin/patroni.yml to /etc/patroni/	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Config patroni watchdog support	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy patroni systemd service file	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : create patroni systemd drop-in dir	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy postgres systemd service file	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Drop-In consul dependency for patroni	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render default initdb scripts	TAGS: [pg_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch patroni on primary instance	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for patroni primary online	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres primary online	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check primary postgres service ready	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check replication connectivity to primary	TAGS: [pg_primary, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render init roles sql	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_role, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render init template sql	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_tmpl, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render default pg-init scripts	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_main, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Execute initialization scripts	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_exec, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check primary instance ready	TAGS: [pg_init, pg_init_exec, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add dbsu password to pgpass if exists	TAGS: [pg_pass, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add system user to pgpass	TAGS: [pg_pass, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check replication connectivity to primary	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch patroni on replica instances	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for patroni replica online	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres replica online	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check replica postgres service ready	TAGS: [pg_replica, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Render hba rules	TAGS: [pg_hba, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Reload hba rules	TAGS: [pg_hba, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Pause patroni	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Stop patroni on replica instance	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Stop patroni on primary instance	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch raw postgres on primary	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch raw postgres on primary	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for postgres online	TAGS: [pg_patroni, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check pgbouncer is installed	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_check, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Stop existing pgbouncer service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Remove existing pgbouncer dirs	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Recreate dirs with owner postgres	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_clean, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy /etc/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.ini	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgbouncer_ini, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy /etc/pgbouncer/pgb_hba.conf	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgbouncer_hba, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Touch userlist and database list	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Add default users to pgbouncer	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_config, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy pgbouncer systemd service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Launch pgbouncer pool service	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Wait for pgbouncer service online	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Check pgbouncer service is ready	TAGS: [pgbouncer, pgbouncer_launch, pgsql, postgres]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [pg_user, pgsql, postgres]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [pg_db, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Reload pgbouncer to add db and users	TAGS: [pgbouncer_reload, pgsql, postgres]
      postgres : Copy pg service definition to consul	TAGS: [pg_register, pgsql, postgres, register]
      postgres : Reload postgres consul service	TAGS: [pg_register, pgsql, postgres, register]
      postgres : Render grafana datasource definition	TAGS: [pg_grafana, pgsql, postgres, register]
      postgres : Register datasource to grafana	TAGS: [pg_grafana, pgsql, postgres, register]
      monitor : Install exporter yum repo	TAGS: [exporter_install, exporter_yum_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Install node_exporter and pg_exporter	TAGS: [exporter_install, exporter_yum_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter binary	TAGS: [exporter_binary_install, exporter_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy pg_exporter binary	TAGS: [exporter_binary_install, exporter_install, monitor, pgsql]
      monitor : Create /etc/pg_exporter conf dir	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy default pg_exporter.yaml	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config /etc/default/pg_exporter	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config pg_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Launch pg_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Wait for pg_exporter service online	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Register pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Reload pg-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, pg_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter opts	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Launch pgbouncer_exporter service	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Wait for pgbouncer_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, pgbouncer_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Register pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Reload pgb-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Copy node_exporter systemd service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Config default node_exporter options	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Launch node_exporter service unit	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Wait for node_exporter online	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter, pgsql]
      monitor : Register node-exporter service to consul	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      monitor : Reload node-exporter consul service	TAGS: [monitor, node_exporter_register, pgsql]
      service : Make sure haproxy is installed	TAGS: [haproxy_install, service]
      service : Create haproxy directory	TAGS: [haproxy_install, service]
      service : Copy haproxy systemd service file	TAGS: [haproxy_install, haproxy_unit, service]
      service : Fetch postgres cluster memberships	TAGS: [haproxy_config, service]
      service : Templating /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg	TAGS: [haproxy_config, service]
      service : Launch haproxy load balancer service	TAGS: [haproxy_launch, haproxy_restart, service]
      service : Wait for haproxy load balancer online	TAGS: [haproxy_launch, service]
      service : Reload haproxy load balancer service	TAGS: [haproxy_reload, service]
      service : Copy haproxy exporter definition	TAGS: [haproxy_register, service]
      service : Copy haproxy service definition	TAGS: [haproxy_register, service]
      service : Reload haproxy consul service	TAGS: [haproxy_register, service]
      service : Make sure vip-manager is installed	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : Copy vip-manager systemd service file	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : create vip-manager systemd drop-in dir	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : create vip-manager systemd drop-in file	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_install]
      service : Templating /etc/default/vip-manager.yml	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_config, vip_manager_config]
      service : Launch vip-manager	TAGS: [service, vip_l2_reload]
      service : Fetch postgres cluster memberships	TAGS: [service, vip_l4_config]
      service : Render L4 VIP configs	TAGS: [service, vip_l4_config]
      include_tasks	TAGS: [service, vip_l4_reload]

Last modified 2021-03-28: update en docs (f994b54)