Offline Installation

How to perform offline installation

Pigsty is a complex software system. To ensure the stability of the system, Pigsty downloads all dependent packages from the Internet during the initialization process and creates local repository (local Yum source).

The total size of all dependent software is about 1GB, and the download speed depends on the user’s network. Although Pigsty has tried to use mirror sources as much as possible to speed up the download, the download of a small number of packages may still be blocked by firewalls and may appear very slow. The user can download the packages via proxy_env configuration entry to set up a download proxy to complete the first download.

If you are using a different operating system than CentOS 7.8, it is usually recommended that users use the full online download and installation process. and cache the downloaded software after the first initialization is complete, see [Making an offline installer](#Making an offline installer).

If you wish to skip the long download process, or if the execution control meta-node does not have Internet access, consider downloading a pre-packaged offline installer.

Contents of the offline installer package

To quickly pull up Pigsty, it is recommended to use the offline download package and upload method to complete the installation.

The offline installer includes all packages from the local Yum repository. By default, Pigsty is installed at [infrastructure initialization](. /../playbook/infra/) when the local Yum repository is created.

{{ repo_home }}
  |---- {{ repo_name }}.repo
  ^---- {{ repo_name}}/repo_complete
  ^---- {{ repo_name}}/**************.rpm

By default, {{ repo_home }} is the root directory of the Nginx static file server, which defaults to /www, and repo_name is a custom local source name, which defaults to pigsty.

By default, the /www/pigsty directory contains all RPM packages, and the offline installer is actually a zip archive of the /www/pigsty directory.

The principle of the offline installation package is that Pigsty checks if the local Yum source-related files already exist during the execution of the infrastructure initialization. If they already exist, the process of downloading the package and its dependencies is skipped.

The token file used for the check is {{ repo_home }}/{{ repo_name }}/repo_complete, by default /www/pigsty/repo_complete, if this token file exists, (usually set by Pigsty after the local source is created), then the local source has been created and can be used directly. Otherwise, Pigsty will perform the usual download logic. Once the download is complete, you can archive a compressed copy of the directory for accelerating the initialization of other environments.



Pigsty自带了一个沙箱环境,沙箱环境的离线安装包默认放置于files目录中,可以从Github Release页面下载。

cd <pigsty>/files/


make downlaod
curl -o files/pkg.tgz


使用Pigsty沙箱时,下载离线安装至本地files目录后,则可以直接使用 Makefile 提供的快捷指令make upload上传离线安装包至元节点上。

使用 make upload,也会将本地的离线安装包(Yum缓存)拷贝至元节点上。

# upload rpm cache to meta controller
	ssh -t meta "sudo rm -rf /tmp/pkg.tgz"
	scp -r files/pkg.tgz meta:/tmp/pkg.tgz
	ssh -t meta "sudo mkdir -p /www/pigsty/; sudo rm -rf /www/pigsty/*; sudo tar -xf /tmp/pkg.tgz --strip-component=1 -C /www/pigsty/"


使用 Pigsty 沙箱时,可以通过 make cache 将沙箱中元节点的缓存制为离线安装包,并拷贝到本地。

# cache rpm packages from meta controller
	rm -rf pkg/* && mkdir -p pkg;
	ssh -t meta "sudo tar -zcf /tmp/pkg.tgz -C /www pigsty; sudo chmod a+r /tmp/pkg.tgz"
	scp -r meta:/tmp/pkg.tgz files/pkg.tgz
	ssh -t meta "sudo rm -rf /tmp/pkg.tgz"


在生产环境使用离线安装包前,您必须确保生产环境的操作系统与制作该离线安装包的机器操作系统一致。Pigsty提供的离线安装包默认使用CentOS 7.8。



常规初始化完成后,用户可以通过make cache或手工执行相关命令,将特定操作系统的软件缓存打为离线安装包。供生产环境使用。


tar -zcf /tmp/pkg.tgz -C /www pigsty     # 制作离线软件包


这里以默认的 /www/pigsty 为例,将压缩包中的所有内容(RPM包,repo_complete标记文件,repodata 源的元数据库等)解压至目标目录/www/pigsty中,可以使用以下命令。

mkdir -p /www/pigsty/
sudo rm -rf /www/pigsty/*
sudo tar -xf /tmp/pkg.tgz --strip-component=1 -C /www/pigsty/
Last modified 2021-03-28: update en docs (f994b54)